On November 4th Roan turned 1. He weighs 23 1/2 pounds. He has four teeth. He is no longer afraid of the food processor or the blender. He is still afraid of the
torre in
Murcielago, a pop-up book about bats. He no longer wants me to rock him to sleep, he falls asleep much better alone in his crib. When he wants to play peek-a-boo, he grabs my hands and pushes them on my face. If he wants you to read him a book, he will chase you around the house with it until you do. He doesn't know how to go down stairs, because he can't understand moving in a direction he's not facing. When I show him things, like how to flip a light switch or bang a drum, he doesn't copy me with his own hands; instead, he grabs my hands and makes me flip the light switch, or bang the drum, or pet the dog for him. This makes me worry he is too literal minded, too much like me, and will grow up constantly misinterpreting the simplest things. His favorite foods are hot dogs, pita chips, banana blueberry smoothies, succotash, and sweet potatoes. He dances by moving one arm up and down, like he's in an old Snoop Dogg video. He is just beginning to run.
Here are some photos from his actual birthday (last Wednesday)
First bike (well, technically a trike)

His legs are a bit too short for it, but he doesn't mind

This bike one-ups my fixed gear by having one less gear and no brakes at all. Hard. Core.

Lunch. The usual mess.

The birthday banana bread muffin, with chocolate chips.

We ate it.

November 4th also marked the maiden voyage of the Frankenbike, a bike I bought on Craigslist and transformed into the ultimate Roan carrier. Sadly, no photos mark this historic event, since once I got him into the bike seat I realized that I couldn't let go of the bike (which made putting on my shoes and leaving the apartment somewhat difficult). Roan did not react well to his helmet, but has since warmed up to it. Photos will eventually be shot and posted, once Jay overcomes his Frankenbike issues.
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