Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Dear Jay,

I went all out for your first father's day.  Roan was 7 months old and I dragged him around to all the places we went when we were first dating and took pictures.  Then I made a photo book, and told the story of our courtship, accompanied by photos of our extremely chubby son eating baby food at Gramercy Tavern, throwing popcorn at the Angelika, chewing the menu at Frank's, sitting in your old chair at Curtis Brown.

I'm not going to top that this year, or even come close.  I am tired.  We are so, so tired. I pulled out that photo book, and looked at the introduction I wrote you.  I said, "I always knew you would be good at this, but I never dreamed you'd be this good."  And you've only gotten better.

I could point out a million reasons, but there is one that immediately comes to mind - YOU POTTY TRAINED ROAN.  God bless you my husband.  If you do nothing else... I think you could just sit back now and rest on your parenting laurels.  But you won't.

Look at these boys, how much they love you.  And so do I.  Happy Father's Day.


  1. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 love this and love you guys.

  2. Jay you the man or I say the dad and good one at that.the boys look so good

  3. Happy belated Dad's day, Jay! I remember propping Roan up for the Tia Pol shot, complete with candle and glass of wine. xoxo
