I was wrong. There's something special, maybe even magical, about family reunions. Sure, we only see most of these people every 2 years. But there's a connection, there's an ease in being around family, all the shared memories, the common history that everyone remembers a little bit differently, everyone understanding where everyone else comes from. I pick up some of the closeness second hand, watching my mom reconnect with her brothers and sisters, all the teasing, the old jokes. The travel was brutal. But it was worth it. I would do it again.
My top 10 reasons why this family reunion was great:
1. We don't have to hold the baby.
2. The Hair sisters dance the Mohey Tawa.
3. We fly kites
4. We get air.
5. We celebrate new life.
6. Grandpa follows us everywhere.
7. We play sports
8. We tell stories.
9. We watch "shows."
10. Matching outfits Grandma bought.