Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sand Bags

In celebration of warmer weather, we bought the Robot his very own sandbox. We put it together and went to Lowe's to buy sand. In an unprecedented show of customer service, a nice man escorted us right to the play sand, which is sold in 50 pound bags.

He said, "How many bags do you need?"

Jay said, "Two or three" at the same time as I said, "twenty." We glared at each other. This is just the type of thing we have torrid disagreements about.

There was some mention of cubic inches or whatever on the bag. We both used this information to launch ridiculous mathematical equations to prove our points. In the meantime, the customer service guy went to get one of those flat bed wheelers. He was clearly on my side.

In the end we compromised on ten bags of sand, which pretty much maxed out our car space and lowered the whole chassis by about half a foot. That's 500 pounds of sand we had to carry from 22nd Street to our backyard. Thank God I hadn't won my initial bid for 20 bags.

We used 9 bags of sand to fill up the sandbox, and have one for a spare. Perfect.

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