Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Busy Day

First we did some laundry

Then we went to Babies and Books at the Brooklyn Public Library. After the reading out came the toys. Roan challenged himself to put every single toy in his mouth.
Mission accomplished.

After breaking a mental sweat, we were ready to focus on our physiques. So Roan joined the YMCA, which makes him the only person in our family with a gym membership.

Even though we didn't actually work out, being near a gym made us feel hungry and entitled, so we went home and made smoothies. It was Roan's very first smoothie. He liked it more than I expected.

Energy restored, we put this walker together, which required screwing in about 900 tiny little screws by hand. When I became discouraged, Roan's shrieks of excitement kept me on task.

The maiden voyage

The backyard voyage

When Roan gets a new toy he doesn't just forget about his old toys. Incredibly, he retains his enthusiasm for the very oldest toy: my toe.

After all this, Roan did what he hadn't done in two days.

He took a nap.

**I'd like it noted that I did not put together Roan's outfit. This was all Jay, who apparently let Roan chose his own clothes.


  1. che belloooooo the ro-wboat! i love the ymca membership picture...

  2. I too love the YMCA pic. Laughed out loud.
